We said goodbye to my parents yesterday. It was definitely a time of mixed emotions: thankfulness for their visit - it has been such a blessing having them here; sadness - it's always hard to say goodbye; relief - knowing that we'll be seeing them in 3 and half months, which I'm sure will fly by; doubt - wondering if I'm up to the task of handling 3 under the age of 3 without their help. Josh asked at the dinner table who was going to go through the most Nyanya and Babu withdrawal. I know without a doubt it will be me!
But as I was journaling in my time with the Lord on this Valentine's day - I reflected on how much love surrounds me. The love my parents made in making the financial sacrifice to come down here and be with us at this time. The love they've shown me my whole life in parenting me - how much you appreciate you parents after you are one. A loving husband who serves me and our children beyond measure. The love and snuggles of our daughters. The love of our friends and family from a far. Most of all the love of our God in our Savior, Jesus, and the other countless blessings He bestows in His favor.
And in reality, the answer is - I'm not up to the task of raising 3 under the age of 3! At least, not without Him. Part of the reason I liked Faith for a middle name for Jana is because I knew that it was only going to be through faith in Him that we would be able to raise these beautiful girls in His light. The last few days the refrain to a hymn has been running through my head "Living by faith, in Jesus above, Trusting, confiding in His great love, From all harm safe in His sheltering arm, I'm living by faith and feel no alarm".
May God grant you the faith you need to meet the task of living day by day.