We had a special time of blessing and prayer over Gaston.
This family, Carlos and Janet and their 3 kids, have been faithfully attending since we offered a class on the family a few months ago. Please be praying for their spiritual future.
Jana loved being outside and the center of attention.
Javier, one of our newest members, enjoying some down time in the hammock.
Sonia, Renan, and Jana. What did I say about the center of attention? Everyone loves on our babies so much!
Gaston, Javier and Pedro playing cachos.
Kitchen talk - Mary Jane, Gilda and Palmira.
The kids always enjoy playing with the tons of toys we have.
Playing football.
And this one's extra - here's a picture from our latest fundraiser for our youth - a garage sale at our contact center. It was a big success - all our members gave generously and we had a lot of walk-ins off the street. In all, they raised about 2000 bolivianos (about $300) for their trip to Paraguay in January. I think we're going to have another one in a few weeks.
What a blessing you are to so many people there! Thanks for sharing yourselves. Love you, Mom
Your pics/captions are great at capturing the moments. Thank you for being LIGHT and SALT to so many. You family is precious! Would love to hug your necks! Brad and Vanessa and kids are coming our way this weekend!
So,I think it's hilarious we both have dogs named Chaska. We had no idea...in fact we were really excited to find a new name for a dog. Our other dogs are names Chicu and Sisa, do either of those match your other dogs name? We love ya'll and are excited you are coming. Have a good one.
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