The month started out with a church 'retiro' - or mini retreat. We rented out a pool/recreation center for the day and had a great time of fellowship and food. This was the first church event that Miguel came to (see previous blog) and it was wonderful to see him and his family.
We started a monthly 'girls night out', and I put together the craft and the devotional focusing around our uniqueness and unity in Christ.
The guys had their monthly 'guys night out', and enjoyed the presence of Miguel as well as celebrating Gaston's birthday.
We held our annual ladies tea on the 26th, and had almost 60 women in attendance. Our theme focused on the Samaritan woman at the well, and our spiritual thirst for Christ. Trish did a fantastic job on the decorations and the craft! Mary Torres, one of the missionary women in Sucre, came to give the talk. She was very open with us about her life and how Christ has changed her and her family. A lot of our women put in a lot of hours working on invitations, nametags, the craft, the food, the decorations, and the testimonies. We continue to pray for wisdom as to how to draw the women of the congregation into a closer walk with Christ and fellowship with each other.
I lead singing...
Mary Torres, our speaker
An example of our craft
We were so excited with our attendance - and over half were friends of family of our church members!
Carmen and Elsa
Our welcoming table - Alejandra, Gabriella and Pocha
One of the many beautifully decorated tables
Patricia and Beatrice, 2 of our indespensible helpers in the kitchen
The next day, Sharla and Trish gave a workshop on teaching children. Josh's mom did a fabulous job providing a theological base for teaching children and Trish shared about her class for the toddlers, which has been a huge success! We are hoping to get more people excited and involved in our children's program, and I think this was a great start.
I'm so glad the tea went so beautifully. It is such a blessing to see how it has evolved. Praise God! The girls look adorable as well!
So good to see all of the recent events taking place. We are always very interested in the Lord's work taking place in Cochabamba and surrounding areas. Rod met a man at a retreat recently who knew the Marcum family. It is a small world. Darlene & Rod
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